Distances disappear

In the world of electronic communication distances disappear and we can reach world around us with few clicks or taps. Geographical distances, time and space are easily forgotten. New inventions in ecommerce have made life easier for our customers so they have embraced world of web-shops where they can buy any time easily. Significant share […]

Probabilities, you and Zoined

Albert Einstein said “Every man endowed with reason and five healthy senses would say the same thing. The rose is red, smells like perfume, and feels like velvet. In other words, there is an objective reality which is conceived by the senses, and behind this objective reality are natural laws which are the privilege of […]

Customer oriented plug’n’play service

Do you feel that technological revolution is getting ahead of your business? It seems there are every day new services, technologies, programs and devices that would make it possible to gain competitive advantage, but you are not certain how to get started or if you ask your IT department the price tag would require doubling […]